Room 4: Angles We Have Heard on High

Practising a Christmas handbell performance for Mrs Trew

Singing at The Gables and the North West Mall

A group of students shared Christmas songs with residents at The Gables

Room 9 made a box of beautiful cards for the carollers to give out 

Recently other students performed as part of a cultural festival for schools at the North West Mall - singing, dancing, and playing ukulele

Rooms 7, 8, and 9: Boomwhacker Super Stars

Room 12: Handbells

Practising Solfege and preparing a Christmas performance for Mrs Fraser.

Room 10: Group Performance

Organising parts for a piano and marimba quartet

Chris James Visit

On Thursday 9 November Taupaki School was very lucky to have a visit from Chris James as part of his Vocal Adventure for Schools to teach us that "everyone is born with a beautiful voice". It was a fun and energetic morning for both students and teachers.

Go Miss Parker...invited up to lead the actions!

Room 1: Copy the Dance

Room 1 love to start their Music session with a quick dance warmup. This week they had some of Room 3 with them to show how they had been learning about dancing in their own space and moving their arms and legs like the programme we was quite tricky to keep up but everyone did a great job.

Room 6: Learning Solfege with Handbells

We have been learning that pitches can be identified by their position in the solfege scale. Solfege is a system for singing notes. If you’re familiar with the famous Rogers and Hammerstein song “Do-Re-Mi” from The Sound of Music, you already know the solfege note names: doremifasola and ti.

We have been using the handbells to help us with this. We have some simple melodies to play and the notes are coloured the same as the handbell that represents the note. This week we enjoyed playing Pachelbel's Canon with groups rotating.

Term 4 2017


It's time for us to have fun with dance, drama, pumpkins, 
stars, bells, boomwhackers, waiata, and carols!

Room 6: A Little Ukulele to Finish the Term

Practising strumming patterns on Z chord then playing along to Hoki Mai with C chord (and C7 for those wanting a challenge).

Room 2 and Room 5: Dynamics

Room 2 and Room 5 share their music time and have been learning about dynamics - how loud or soft the music is. We sing the song Closet Key while someone has to find a hidden key. We change our dynamics according to the finders proximity to the key - loud if they are close, soft if they are far away. The challenge is to maintain a beautiful singing voice.

Room 2 have been teaching Room 5 some of the songs they know, Herman the Worm is a favourite!

Room 1: Boomwhackers!

As musicians we whakarongo for when to play our part

Room 12: Singing and Ukulele in Cannon

Room 12 used their lovely voices and ukulele skills to enjoy singing and strumming some simple songs in cannon. They can currently maintain four parts and are so good!

Room 11 - Inquiry Projects

Kahu classes are working on a project of their choice relating to any area of the arts.

Piano study

Composition to record with an animation

Capturing a piece to camera for a scooter film


The Banana Boat Song on Boomwhackers to finish